Links to Other Cancer Support Information

The following sites are provided as a means of helping you navigate the Internet to find cancer related information that may be of help to you, your family and your friends. A word of caution: Please remember that there is a lot of very helpful, reliable, factual information available on the Internet, but there is also a lot of misinformation as well. The Internet reflects real life and therefore it is very important to question your sources and verify the information you receive.
The most legitimate medical information will come from non-profit cancer organizations, government agencies, hospitals, research facilities and peer-reviewed journals. Cancer Support Community North Texas has no control over the contents of these sites or their external links to other Internet sites. The reference the following links does not constitute an endorsement by Cancer Support Community North Texas of such websites, their contents, or the operators of the websites. The information on this page is provided for educational purposes only. Before using or applying any of this information, you are urged to consult with your physician. Do you have a link you would like to recommend? Send the web address of the site, the title of the site and a short description. We will post it here!